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2025 Contest Registration

Contest Registration opens on Tuesday, February 11th at 3pm Pacific Time

*We offer more than the usual divisions! Click here for descriptions of all the divisions we offer!
*The more you enter the more points you can earn for the Carlito Challenge & the O’Rama Cup!!!

J&Js are $25 per person, Strictly Swings are $50 per couple

  • You can add contests at any time online until registration cuts off at 5pm Friday for Friday contests, 11am Saturday for Saturday contests before the dinner break, and 6pm Saturday for all remaining contests
  • Be sure to download the SwingDancer App (Android, Iphone)  for updates and heat/semis/finals lists.
  • Please select your O’Rama Cup regional team when registering.
  • Check the schedule for contest times and be sure to head to the Staging area if your contest says STAGED or you will be scratched.
  • Click here for contest guidelines and descriptions.
  • Weekend pass required to compete

We allow you to compete in different contests in different roles however…

  • If you are dancing multiple roles in different divisions and end up with a simultaneous prelim & semi we will stagger the heats you are in…but you will likely NOT have a break between dancing so be prepared
  • For Pro-Am you cannot dance in the same level for 2 different roles as an Am (because the finals are simultaneous), but you can do different levels
  • For Pro-Am you can dance in both roles as a Pro (if qualified) but if you make finals multiple times in the same level an alternate pro will be used for your extra Ams because of how finals are scheduled/run
  • For Pro-Am you cannot enter in one role as an Am and the other as a Pro because that would be the same contest
  • For what levels to enter in different roles we follow the WSDC guidelines.
  • You ARE allowed to enter BOTH Newbie & WSDC Novice in the SAME role if you DON’T have any WSDC points in that role.

For 2025 there is a slim chance we might have to cap entries for our contest divisions in order to maintain the schedule for the weekend. Below I have listed tentative caps for each division, and for transparency we have also listed the number of entries in 2024 so you can the numbers relative to each other. 

Due to our insane schedule and us wanting to maintain plenty of social dancing time be aware that:
There will be NO Quarterfinals for any division during the weekend regardless of the size of any divisions.
There will be NO Semifinals for Role Reversal J&J, Sophisticated J&J, All American/60s Era J&J, Pro-Am J&J, Open Strictly, or All Star/Champions Strictly despite these being potentially large divisions.

If you purchased an All Star/Champion Pass you will automatically be signed up for Pro/Am (as a pro for ALL levels) and All American/60s Era…you do NOT need to register yourself for them. You DO still need to register for your WSDC divisional J&J if you plan to enter though.

You may pay by Check/Zelle until May 22nd to avoid processing fees (Check must be received within 2 weeks of your order or your order will be cancelled. To pay by Zelle select check option then send payment to

Contest fees are refundable (minus processing fees) IF you let us know you need to scratch more than 1 hr before the division starts (they are not transferable to another person)


